
HNC ( Art and Design )


2 años

15:25-21:45 h

Students will be able to create and produce high quality illustrations for different purposes and genres. They will learn the different techniques and methodologies and they will work with the specific software for this aim.

What will I learn?

HNC (Art and Design): Illustration aims to train professionals specialized in creating illustrations for various media, including books, magazines, advertising, graphic design, and multimedia. Throughout the course, students will learn drawing, painting, and design techniques, as well as digital tools for 2D and 3D illustration creation. They will also be taught different techniques and materials, from pencils and brushes to illustration software and image editing programs. Furthermore, the program covers aspects related to art history and visual culture, as well as business and management skills, enabling students to pursue their professional careers as independent illustrators or in design and visual communication companies.


  • Advertising Agency
  • Design Offices
  • Publishing Houses: children books
  • Publishing Houses: comics
  • Architectural Studio



  • Visual representation and expresión: basics
  • Image theories and concepts
  • Digital skills: Level 1
  • History about illustration
  • Drawing: Level 1
  • Spatial representation
  • Graphic expressions techniques
  • Projects: Level 1


  • Digital Skills: Level 2
  • Photography
  • Drawing: Level 2
  • Graphic production
  • Traditional Graphic techniques
  • Projects: Level 2
  • Training and career counselling
  • Personal project
  • Work placement

Illustration módules

SubjectsTotal hoursHours per weeksETCS CreditsTotal hoursHours per weeksETCS Credits
Visual representation and expresión: basics140 hours49---
Image theories and concepts70 hours25---
Digital skills104 hours366223
History about illustration104 hours35---
Drawing104 hours369844
Spatial representation169 hours59---
Graphic expressions techniques169 hours510---
Graphic production---9846
Traditional Graphic techniques---9846
Projects170 hours510198812
Training and career counselling---9845
Personal project---70-12
Work placement---150-6

Visual representation and expresión: basics

Course 1 / 4 hours per week

This module focuses on developing the technical and artistic skills necessary for creating illustration works. We study the fundamentals of drawing, perspective, and composition, as well as graphic design concepts and character creation. We also explore different illustration techniques, such as the use of pencils, watercolors, ink, and mixed media.

Image theories and concepts

First Year Course / 2 hours per week

In this module, students at the Escuela de Arte y superior de diseño de Cádiz delve into the theory behind image creation, encompassing semiotics, color theory, and psychology of visual perception. They learn to analyze and grasp the impact and effectiveness of different visual techniques and styles. We explore the relationship between content and form, examining how the choice of technique and style can influence the intended message.

Digital skills

1st Course / 3 hours per week

Course 2 / 2 hours per week.

This module focuses on the tools and techniques of graphic design and illustration software. Students learn to use programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, as well as interface design and user experience (UI/UX) concepts for digital project creation. We explore the various possibilities that the digital world offers for illustration, such as animation and video games.


Course 2 / 4 hours per week.

In this module, students will learn the technical and artistic foundations of photography, including the use of light, composition, and digital editing. They will gain skills in using digital cameras and develop their own photographic style. The module explores various genres of photography, from portraiture to landscape photography, highlighting how photography can be utilized as an illustration tool.

History about illustration

First Year Course / 3 hours per week.

This module explores the evolution of illustration throughout history, from illustration in ancient manuscripts to digital illustration. Students will learn about the most important artists and illustrators in each period, while analyzing the artistic trends and movements that have influenced illustration.


1st Course / 3 hours per week

Course 2 / 4 hours per week.

In this module, we focus on applying drawing skills to create illustrations. We study advanced drawing techniques such as perspective and shading, and explore different drawing styles including pencil sketching, watercolor, and comics. Students learn to apply these techniques in the creation of illustrations and develop their own unique drawing style.

Spatial representation

1st Course / 5 hours per week.

In this module, students will explore spatial representation and perspective techniques applied to illustration, both in analog and digital formats. The topics covered include composition, light and shadow, texture, and volume, enabling students to accurately and realistically depict objects and environments in three dimensions. Additionally, students will analyze examples of illustrations that creatively utilize perspective and space to effectively communicate messages and emotions. The Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Cádiz is committed to providing comprehensive art education and fostering artistic talent.

Graphic expressions techniques

First Course / 5 hours per week.

In this module, students explore various techniques and styles of illustration, both in analog and digital formats. They learn to effectively combine these techniques and styles to create original and imaginative illustrations. There is also a strong emphasis on the importance of illustration as a means of communication and artistic expression.

Graphic production

2nd Course / 4 hours per week.

In this module, you will explore the industrial production processes of illustration, from file preparation to printing and final finishing. You will learn to use graphic design and production software, as well as work with printing and finishing equipment. The focus is placed on the importance of quality and efficiency in industrial illustration production. Join the Escuela de Arte y superior de diseño de Cádiz to enhance your skills and knowledge in this field.

Traditional Graphic techniques

Course 2 / 4 hours per week

In this module, students at the Escuela de Arte y superior de diseño de Cádiz explore traditional illustration techniques, ranging from hand-drawing to watercolor and gouache. They learn to utilize various materials and tools to create illustrations with diverse textures and visual effects. Additionally, they analyze the characteristics and limitations of each technique, as well as their application in contemporary illustration.


First Year Course / 5 hours per week.

Second Course / 8 hours per week

Illustration Projects: In this module, both individual and group illustration projects are carried out at the Escuela de Arte y superior de diseño de Cádiz. Students apply their acquired knowledge and skills from different modules to create original and creative illustrations that meet the requirements of clients or specific audiences. Emphasis is placed on the importance of research, planning, and project presentation.

Work placement

Total hours: 150

En este módulo se proporciona a los estudiantes información y herramientas para la búsqueda de empleo y el emprendimiento en el ámbito de la ilustración. Se abordan temas como la elaboración de currículums y portfolios, la identificación de oportunidades laborales y el desarrollo de habilidades empresariales y de marketing. También se estudian los derechos y deberes laborales, así como los aspectos legales y fiscales de la actividad profesional.

Continuing my studies:

Once you successfully complete the program, you will earn a qualification as a Higher Technician in Advertising Graphics, which grants access to other training programs, degrees, or higher level qualifications. Admission is prioritized for related degrees and higher studies, including Higher Studies in Graphic Design, Fine Arts, Art History, Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Advertising, and Training Programs in Illustration and Photography.
Escuela de Arte y superior de diseño de Cádiz
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